AWS Redshift
Integration with different data sources

To find the connection string for a MySQL database, you generally need to know the following details:

  1. Host: The server where your MySQL database is hosted. This could be a local server (localhost or or a remote server address in cloud services.
  2. User: The username you will use to connect to the database.
  3. Password: The password associated with the username.
  4. Database Name: The specific database you want to connect to.
  5. Schema Name: In MySQL, a "schema" is essentially another term for a "database." Not required in setup.
  6. Port: The port number on which MySQL is running. By default, it is 3306.

Depends on where your MySQL database is hosted, here is more details to help you find the information:

Amazon Web Services (AWS) - Amazon RDS
  1. Go to the RDS dashboard in your AWS Management Console.
  2. Select "Databases" and then choose your MySQL instance.
  3. Under the "Connectivity & security" section, you will find the endpoint (host) and port.
  4. The username and password are the ones you set up when creating the RDS instance.
  5. The connection string format: mysql://username:password@endpoint:port/database
Microsoft Azure - Azure Database for MySQL
  1. Navigate to the Azure portal and go to your MySQL database resource.
  2. Under "Settings", select "Connection strings".
  3. Azure provides you with connection strings in various formats (PHP, JDBC, ADO.NET, etc.). You can use these directly or modify as needed.
  4. The format is usually like: Server=servername; Port=3306; Database=myDataBase; Uid=myUsername; Pwd=myPassword;
Google Cloud Platform - Cloud SQL
  1. Open the Google Cloud Console and go to the SQL section.
  2. Select your MySQL instance to see its Overview page.
  3. Here, you'll find the "Instance connection name", which is used in the connection string.
  4. You'll also need to set up the username and password if you haven't already.
  5. The connection string format generally looks like: username:password@tcp(project-id:region:instance-name)/dbname

If any addition help needed to set up your data source, please reach out

How Qquest work with Google Slides
Integration with different data sources

To find the connection string for a PostgreSQL database, you generally need to know the following details:

  1. Host: The server where your PostgreSQL database is hosted. This could be a local server (localhost or or a remote server address in cloud services.
  2. User: The username you will use to connect to the database.
  3. Password: The password associated with the username.
  4. Database Name: The specific database you want to connect to.
  5. Schema Name: Unlike MySQL, where a schema is synonymous with a database, PostgreSQL allows multiple schemas within a single database. Each schema can contain tables with the same name, as they are considered distinct as long as they reside in different schemas. It's recommend to add "Schema" column when you set up the data source.
  6. Port: The port number on which PostgreSQL is running. By default, it is 5432.

Depends on where your PostgreSQL database is hosted, here is more details to help you find the information:

Amazon Web Services (AWS) - Amazon RDS
  1. Go to the RDS dashboard in your AWS Management Console.
  2. Select "Databases" and then choose your PostgreSQL instance.
  3. Under the "Connectivity & security" section, you will find the endpoint (host) and port.
  4. The username and password are the ones you set up when creating the RDS instance.
  5. The connection string format: postgresql://username:password@endpoint:port/database
Microsoft Azure - Azure Database for PostgreSQL
  1. Navigate to the Azure portal and go to your PostgreSQL database resource.
  2. Under "Settings", select "Connection strings".
  3. Azure provides you with connection strings in various formats (PHP, JDBC, ADO.NET, etc.). You can use these directly or modify as needed.
  4. The format is usually like:; Database=myDataBase; Port=5432; User Id=myUsername; Password=myPassword; Ssl Mode=Require;
Google Cloud Platform - Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL
  1. Open the Google Cloud Console and go to the SQL section.
  2. Select your PostgreSQL instance to see its Overview page.
  3. Here, you'll find the "Instance connection name", which is used in the connection string.
  4. You'll also need to set up the username and password if you haven't already.
  5. The connection string format generally looks like: postgresql://username:password@/databasename?host=/cloudsql/instance_connection_name

If any addition help needed to set up your data source, please reach out

Microsoft SQL Server
Integration with different data sources

To find the connection string for a SQL Server database, you generally need to know the following details:

  1. Host: It is called Server Name in SQL Server. The name or IP address of the server where your SQL Server instance is hosted.
  2. User: The username you will use to connect to the database.
  3. Password: The password associated with the username.
  4. Database Name: The specific database you want to connect to.
  5. Schema Name: In SQL Server, it is also called "Namespaces". It helps in organizing and managing objects in a database.
  6. Port: The port number on which SQL Server is running. By default, it is 1433.

Please note that we are NOT supporting Windows Authentication.

Depends on where your SQL Server database is hosted, here is more details to help you find the information:

Microsoft Azure - Azure Database for MySQL
  1. Navigate to the Azure portal and go to your MySQL database resource.
  2. Under "Settings", select "Connection strings".
  3. Azure provides you with connection strings in various formats (PHP, JDBC, ADO.NET, etc.). You can use these directly or modify as needed.
  4. Example format:,1433;Initial Catalog=your_database_name; User ID=your_user_name; Password=your_password;
Amazon Web Services (AWS) - Amazon RDS
  1. Go to the RDS dashboard in your AWS Management Console.
  2. Select "Databases" and then choose your SQL Server instance.
  3. Under the "Connectivity & security" section, you will find the endpoint (host) and port.
  4. The username and password are the ones you set up when creating the RDS instance.
  5. The connection string format: Server=your_instance_endpoint;Database=your_database_name;User ID=your_username;Password=your_password;
Google Cloud Platform - Cloud SQL
  1. Open the Google Cloud Console and go to the SQL section.
  2. Select your SQL Server instance to see its Overview page.
  3. Here, you'll find the "Instance connection name", which is used in the connection string.
  4. You'll also need to set up the username and password if you haven't already.
  5. The connection string format generally looks like: Server=your_public_ip;Database=your_database_name;User Id=your_username;Password=your_password;Encrypt=True;

If any addition help needed to set up your data source, please reach

Google Big Query
Google Big Query

To find the connection string for a SQL Server database, you generally need to know the following details:

  1. Database Name: The specific database you want to connect to.
  2. Schema Name: Optionally, the specific schema you want to access within the database. It's recommended when you have multiple schema in your database.
  3. Credentials: It is a JSON key file for your Google Cloud Authentication.

How to get the JSON key:

  • Go to the Google Cloud Console.
  • Create a new service account or use an existing one.
  • Generate and download a JSON key for this service account.

If any addition help needed to set up your data source, please reach

Integration with different data sources

To find the connection string for Snowflake, you generally need to know the following details:

  1. Host: It is called Account Identifier in Snowflake, which is part of your Snowflake URL. For example, if your URL is, the account identifier is xy12345.
  2. User: The username you will use to connect to the database.
  3. Password: The password associated with the username.
  4. Database Name: The specific database you want to connect to.
  5. Schema: Optionally, the specific schema you want to access within the database. It's recommended when you have multiple schema in your database.
  6. Port: Not needed.

Please note that we are NOT supporting SSO Authentication.

If any addition help needed to set up your data source, please reach

AWS Redshift
AWS Redshift

To find the connection string for a SQL Server database, you generally need to know the following details:

  1. Host: The name or IP address of the server where your database instance is hosted.
  2. User: The username you will use to connect to the database.
  3. Password: The password associated with the username.
  4. Database Name: The specific database you want to connect to.
  5. Schema: Optionally, the specific schema you want to access within the database. It's recommended when you have multiple schema in your database.
  6. Port: The port number on which Amazon Redshift is running. By default, it is 5439.
  7. AccessKeyId: Optionally, just needed if you need to access other Amazon Services like S3.
  8. Secret Access Key: Optionally, same as Access Key Id.
  9. Region: Optionally, same as Access Key Id.

Configure Network and Security Settings

  • VPC Security Groups: Ensure that your Redshift cluster is associated with a VPC security group that allows inbound traffic on the port Redshift is using (default is 5439) from your IP address.
  • Publicly Accessible Setting: If you need to connect to Redshift from outside the VPC (e.g., for development purposes), the cluster must be set to be publicly accessible.
  • IAM Roles: If your application requires access to other AWS services like S3, ensure that the appropriate IAM roles are attached to your Redshift cluster.

If any addition help needed to set up your data source, please reach

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